Information Security Act

Created Nov 14, 2023 - Justice Terry

Documents, information, and knowledge pertaining to procedures, guidelines, and technology for and/or about national security, military operations, state secrets, and general government operations are generally considered types of classified information.

Information is classified and unclassified depending on the perceived risk and importance determined at the discretion of those charged with handling the information.

"Classified Information" refers to any information classified at a level of "SECRET" or higher.

Access to classified information is strictly controlled and granted by the highest level of government only to those who need it on an as-needed and need-to-know basis.

Degrees of Information Classification

Public - Public information; information that was never classified and is deemed non-sensitive.

Unclassified - Public information; information that was classified at some point in the past and has since been declassified.

Confidential - Protected information controlled by government entities; primarily for municipal and public government systems such as DMV information, criminal records, health records, and bank records. Generally related to information with personal identifiable information (PII) that is restricted to only those respective citizens as well as government or private employees tasked with engaging in work tasks involving such information (e.g. Police officers, lawyers, doctors, etc.).

Secret - Sensitive information such as (examples) military records/technology, sensitive diplomatic communications, etc.

Beyond Secret - The nature of the organization of the classification system beyond the classification of "Secret" is classified.

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