Quick Reference

This page is intended to serve as a cheat sheet for common arrests and terms which often confuse individuals.

Miranda Warning

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say {and/or do} can {and will} be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. {If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you for free.}" (The portions in braces are optional).

[1] 11 Impersonation of Police vs [3] 42 Vehicle Flashing Colored Lights and Sirens Law

Illegally Using Lights & Sirens while driving/to avoid traffic/to avoid traffic signals/signs: Vehicle Flashing Colored Lights and Sirens Law Illegally Using Lights & Sirens and trying to or successfully pulling over another motorist: Impersonation of Police & [3] 42 Vehicle Flashing Colored Lights and Sirens Law Using Police Emblems, Logos, Insignias, Badges in an unlawful capacity: Impersonation of Police

Resisting vs Evading an Officer vs Reckless Evading

Did they flee from you or resist your effort to stop / detain them? Yes, while on foot: Resisting Yes, with a vehicle: Evading an Officer Yes, with a vehicle, and in a way which involved Reckless Driving: Reckless Evading Assault vs Aggravated Assault vs Simple Battery vs Battery vs Aggravated Battery vs Attempted Murder

Did they try to physically harm someone? They tried to hurt someone but failed to do so, or touched someone without consent: Assault They tried to hurt someone with a weapon but failed to do so: Aggravated Assault They successfully touched or caused minor injury to someone: Simple Battery They successfully caused injury to someone: Battery They successfully caused injury to someone with a weapon: Aggravated Battery They successfully caused injury to someone with a deadly weapon and/or almost killed them: Attempted Murder Robbery vs Burglary vs Theft Stealing property: Theft Stealing property with force or threat of violence: Robbery Stealing property while breaking and entering or trespassing: Burglary

Petty/Grand Theft vs Government Grand Larceny vs Grand Theft Auto

Stealing less than $999: Petty Theft Stealing more than $1000: Grand Theft Stealing more than $1000 from the government: Government Grand Larceny Stealing a car: Grand Theft Auto

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